Everytown for Gun Safety’s CityGRIP

For Everytown for Gun Safety’s CityGRIP microsite, a platform showcasing data-informed gun violence reduction strategies, I was provided with Adobe XD wireframes to guide the construction of both the front-end and back-end. My responsibility was to develop a site that not only functioned as an insightful portal for case studies but also resonated with the established brand of Everytown for Gun Safety.

The development process focused on creating a site that was easy to navigate and user-friendly. Key to achieving this was the implementation of subtle animations and interactive elements, which enhanced the user experience without overwhelming the site’s primary function as an informational resource.

Consistency with the broader Everytown brand was crucial. I ensured that the design elements, color scheme, and typography aligned seamlessly with their other websites, maintaining brand coherence across platforms.

The final product was a microsite that effectively communicated CityGRIP’s mission and provided valuable insights into gun violence reduction. The combination of a smooth, intuitive interface with Everytown’s distinct branding created a compelling and informative online resource.