Mid Atlantic Arts

Redesigning the website for Mid Atlantic Arts, a non-profit organization focused on funding and cultivating arts programs and initiatives in the Mid-Atlantic region, was both a challenging and rewarding experience. The objective was to transform their existing online platform into a more dynamic, engaging, and user-friendly site, reflecting the organization’s mission and the vibrancy of the arts community it supports.

In this project, I took on a comprehensive role, handling the bulk of the front-end and back-end development. The redesign process began with detailed Figma mockups and wireframes, which I used as a blueprint to develop the site’s new structure and features. Key to this redesign was the development of versatile content types, ranging from grant opportunities to festival details, all filterable and presented in various interactive formats. This approach ensured that the site not only provided valuable information but also an immersive and intuitive user experience.

A distinctive aspect of this redesign was the integration of unique ‘bunny eggs’ – creative features that enhanced user interaction. These included innovative photo caption interactions, distinct photo gallery layouts, and dynamic deep linking that allowed users to navigate effortlessly through extensive content. Each of these elements was carefully crafted to add an element of discovery and delight for the site’s visitors.

The final outcome was a revitalized website that not only met but exceeded Mid Atlantic Arts’ expectations. It became a digital beacon for the arts community, showcasing the organization’s commitment to fostering and funding the arts. This project was a testament to how a thoughtfully redesigned website can significantly impact an organization’s outreach and engagement with its community.