National Flood Insurance Program (Hurricane Season)

For FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), I worked alongside the senior UX designer to create the direction for the user experience for hurricane season, focusing on creating a series of regional landing pages for a national paid media campaign. My role was to contribute to the initial UX design and execute the final design in Drupal using a custom content type and display.

Each page featured artwork from artists native to the region, adding a local touch to the campaign. I managed the process of sizing and cropping these artworks, ensuring they seamlessly integrated into the web design. The next step was developing interactive landing pages for each region using Drupal, enhanced with ScrollMagic for dynamic effects.

The highlight of this design was the storytelling element – as users scrolled, landscape elements like trees and buildings would fix into place, and background animations of birds, trains, and changing weather patterns would come to life. The most dramatic transformation was the landscape evolving from a sunny day to a hurricane scene, complete with rain and lightning effects.

This project was more than just informative; it was an engaging, immersive experience. The interactive pages made learning about hurricane season and accessing NFIP resources not only easy but also visually captivating and fun. The successful combination of storytelling, design, and functionality made this project a standout in digital communication for public awareness.